

Morepath views are looked up through the URL path, but not through the routing procedure. Routing stops at model objects. Then the last segment of the path is taken to identify the view by name.

Named views

Let’s examine a path:


If there’s a model like this:

@App.path(model=Document, path='/documents/{id}')
def get_document(id):
    return query_for_document(id)

then /edit identifies a view named edit on the Document model (or on one of its base classes). Here’s how we define it:

@App.view(model=Document, name='edit')
def document_edit(self, request):
    return "edit view on model: %s" %

Default views

Let’s examine this path:


If the model is published on the path /documents/{id}, then this is a path to the default view of the model. Here’s how that view is defined:

def document_default(self, request):
    return "default view on model: %s" %

The default view is the view that gets triggered if there is no special path segment in the URL that indicates a specific view. The default view has as its name the empty string "", so this registration is the equivalent of the one above:

@App.view(model=Document, name="")
def document_default(self, request):
    return "default view on model: %s" %

Generic views

Generic views in Morepath are nothing special: the thing that makes them generic is that their model is a base class, and inheritance does the rest. Let’s see how that works.

What if we want to have a view that works for any model that implements a certain API? Let’s imagine we have a Collection model:

class Collection(object):
   def __init__(self, offset, limit):
       self.offset = offset
       self.limit = limit

   def query(self):
       raise NotImplementedError

A Collection represents a collection of objects, which can be ordered somehow. We restrict the objects we actually get by offset and limit. With offset 100 and limit 10, we get objects 100 through 109.

Collection is a base class, so we don’t actually implement how to do a query. That’s up to the subclasses. We do specify that query is supposed to return objects that have an id attribute.

We can create a view to this abstract collection that displays the ids of the things in it in a comma separated list:

def collection_default(self, request):
    return ", ".join([str( for item in self.query()])

This view is generic: it works for any kind of collection.

We can now create a concrete collection that fulfills the requirements:

class Item(object):
   def __init__(self, id): = id

class MyCollection(Collection):
   def query(self):
       return [Item(str(i)) for i in
               range(self.offset, self.offset + self.limit)

When we now publish the concrete MyCollection on some URL:

@App.path(model=MyCollection, path='my_collection')
def get_my_collection():
    return MyCollection()

it automatically gains a default view for it that represents the ids in it as a comma separated list. So the view collection_default is generic.


The decorator morepath.App.view() (@App.view) takes two arguments here, model, which is the class of the model the view is representing, and name, which is the name of the view in the URL path.

The @App.view decorator decorates a function that takes two arguments: a self and a request.

The self object is the model that’s being viewed, i.e. the one found by the get_document function. It is going to be an instance of the class given by the model parameter.

The request object is an instance of morepath.Request, which in turn is a special kind of webob.request.BaseRequest. You can get request information from it like arguments or form data, and it also exposes a few special methods, such as

The @App.path and @App.view decorators are associated by indirectly their model parameters: the view works for a given model path if the model parameter is the same, or if the view is associated with a base class of the model exposed by the @App.path decorator.

Ambiguity between path and view

Let’s examine these simple paths in an application:


/folder shows an overview of the items in it. /folder/{name} is a way to get to an individual item.

This means:


is a path if there is an item in the folder with the name some_item.

Now what if we also want to have a path that allows you to edit the folder? It’d be natural to spell it like this:


i.e. there is a path /folder with a view edit.

But now we have a problem: how does Morepath know that edit is a view and not a named item in the folder? The answer is that it doesn’t. You cannot reach the view this way.

Instead we have to make it explicit in the path that we want a view with a + character:


Now Morepath won’t try to interpret +edit as a named item in the folder, but instead looks up the view.

Any view can be addressed not just by name but also by its name with a + prefix. To generate a link to a name with a + prefix you can use the prefix as well, so you can write:, '+edit')


By default @App.view returns either a morepath.Response object or a string that gets turned into a response. The content-type of the response is set to text/plain. For a HTML response you want a view that sets the content-type to text/html. You can do this by passing a render parameter to the @App.view decorator:

@App.view(model=Document, render=morepath.render_html)
def document_default(self, request):
    return "<p>Some html</p>"

morepath.render_html() is a very simple function:

def render_html(content, request):
    response = morepath.Response(content)
    response.content_type = 'text/html'
    return response

You can define your own render functions; they just need to take some content (any object, in this case its a string), and return a Response object.

Another render function is morepath.render_json(). Here it is:

import json

def render_json(content, request):
    response = morepath.Response(json.dumps(content))
    response.content_type = 'application/json'
    return response

We’d use it like this:

@App.view(model=Document, render=morepath.render_json)
def document_default(self, request):
    return {'my': 'json'}

HTML views and JSON views are so common we have special shortcut decorators:

Here’s how you use them:

def document_default(self, request):
    return "<p>Some html</p>"

def document_default(self, request):
    return {'my': 'json'}


You can use a server template with a view by using the template argument:

@App.html(model=Document, template='')
def document_default(self, request):
    return { 'title': self.title, 'content': self.content }

See Templates for more information.


We can protect a view using a permission. A permission is any Python class:

class Edit(object):

The class doesn’t do anything; it’s just a marker for permission.

You can use such a class with a view:

@App.view(model=Document, name='edit', permission=Edit)
def document_edit(self, request):
    return 'edit document'

You can define which users have what permission on which models by using the morepath.App.permission_rule() decorator. To learn more, read Security.

Manipulating the response

Sometimes you want to do things to the response specific to the view, so that you cannot do it in a render function. Let’s say you want to add a cookie using webob.Response.set_cookie(). You don’t have access to the response object in the view, as it has not been created yet. It is only created after the view has returned. We can register a callback function to be called after the view is done and the response is ready using the morepath.Request.after() decorator. Here’s how:

def document_default(self, request):
    def manipulate_response(response):
        response.set_cookie('my_cookie', 'cookie_data')
    return "document default"

after only applies if the view was successfully resolved into a response. If your view raises an exception for any reason, or if Morepath itself does, any after set in the view does not apply to the response for this exception. If the view returns a response object directly itself, then after is also not run - you have the response object to manipulate directly. Note that this the case when you use morepath.redirect(): this returns a redirect response object.


By default, a view only answers to a GET request: it doesn’t handle other request methods like POST or PUT or DELETE. To write a view that handles another request method you need to be explicit and pass in the request_method parameter:

@App.view(model=Document, name='edit', request_method='POST')
def document_edit(self, request):
    return "edit view on model: %s" %

Now we have a view that handles POST. Normally you cannot have multiple views for the same document with the same name: the Morepath configuration engine rejects that. But you can if you make sure they each have a different request method:

@App.view(model=Document, name='edit', request_method='GET')
def document_edit_get(self, request):
    return "get edit view on model: %s" %

@App.view(model=Document, name='edit', request_method='POST')
def document_edit_post(self, request):
    return "post edit view on model: %s" %

Grouping views

At some point you may have a lot of view decorators that share a lot of information; multiple views for the same model are the most common example.

Instead of writing this:

def document_default(self, request):
    return "default"

@App.view(model=Document, name='edit')
def document_edit(self, request):
    return "edit"

You can use the with statement to write this instead:

with App.view(model=Document) as view:
   def document_default(self, request):
       return "default"

   def document_edit(self, request):
       return "edit"

This is equivalent to the above, you just don’t have to repeat model=Document. You can use this for any parameter for @App.view.

This use of the with statement is in fact general; it can be used like this with any Morepath directive, and with any parameter for such a directive. The with statement may even be nested, though we recommend being careful with that, as it introduces a lot of indentation.


The model, name, and request_method arguments on the @App.view decorator are examples of view predicates. You can add new ones by using the morepath.App.predicate() decorator.

Let’s say we have a view that we only want to kick in when a certain request header is set to something:

import reg

@App.predicate(generic.view, name='something', default=None,
def something_predicate(request):
    return request.headers.get('Something')

We can use any information in the request and model to construct the predicate. Now you can use it to make a view that only kicks in when the Something header is special:

@App.view(model=Document, something='special')
def document_default(self, request):
    return "Only if request header Something is set to special."

If you have a predicate and you don’t use it in a @App.view, or set it to None, the view works for the default value for that predicate. The default parameter is also used when rendering a view using morepath.Request.view() and you don’t pass in a particular value for that predicate.

Let’s look into the predicate directive in a bit more detail.

You can use either self or request as the argument for the predicate function. Morepath sees this argument and sends in either the object instance or the request.

We use reg.KeyIndex as the index for this predicate. You can also have predicate functions that return a Python class. In that case you should use reg.ClassIndex.

morepath.LAST_VIEW_PREDICATE is the last predicate defined by Morepath itself. Here we want to insert the something_predicate after this predicate in the predicate evaluation order.

The after parameter for the predicate determines which predicates match more strongly than another; a predicate after another one matches more weakly. If there are two view candidates that both match the predicates, the strongest match is picked.


It is often useful to be able to compose a view from other views. Let’s look at our earlier Collection example again. What if we wanted a generic view for our collection that included the views for its content? This is easiest demonstrated using a JSON view:

def collection_default(self, request):
    return [request.view(item) for item in self.query()]

Here we have a view that for all items returned by query includes its view in the resulting list. Since this view is generic, we cannot refer to a specific view function here; we just want to use the view function appropriate to whatever item may be. For this we can use morepath.Request.view().

We could for instance have a particular item with a view like this:

def particular_item_default(self, request):
    return {'id':}

And then the result of collection_default is something like:

[{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]

but if we have a some other item with a view like this:

def some_other_item_default(self, request):

where the name is some string like alpha or beta, then the output of collection_default is something like:

['alpha', 'beta']

So request.view can make it much easier to construct composed JSON results where JSON representations are only loosely coupled.

You can also use predicates in request.view. Here we get the view with the name "edit" and the request_method "POST":

request.view(item, name="edit", request_method="POST")

You can also create views that are for internal use only. You can use them with request.view() but they won’t show up to the web; going to such a view is a 404 error. You can do this by passing the internal flag to the directive:

@App.json(model=SomeOtherItem, name='extra', internal=True)
def some_other_item_extra(self, request):

The extra view can be used with request.view(item, name='extra'), but it is not available on the web – there is no /extra view.

Exception views

Sometimes your application raises an exception. This can either be a HTTP exception, for instance when the user goes to a URL that does not exist, or an arbitrary exception raised by the application.

HTTP exceptions are by default rendered in the standard WebOb way, which includes some text to describe Not Found, etc. Other exceptions are normally caught by the web server and result in a HTTP 500 error (internal server error).

You may instead want to customize what these exceptions look like. You can do so by declaring a view using the exception class as the model. Here’s how you make a custom 404 Not Found:

from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound

def notfound_custom(self, request):
    def set_status_code(response):
        response.status_code = self.code # pass along 404
    return "My custom not found!"

We have to add the set_status_code to make sure the response is still a 404; otherwise we change the 404 to a 200 Ok! This shows that self is indeed an instance of HTTPNotFound and we can access its code attribute.

Your application may also define its own custom exceptions that have a meaning particular to the application. You can create custom views for those as well:

class MyException(Exception):

def myexception_default(self, request):
     return "My exception"

Without an exception view for MyException any view code that raises MyException would bubble all the way up to the WSGI server and a 500 Internal Server Error is generated.

But with the view for MyException in place, whenever MyException is raised you get the special view instead.