
We said Morepath has super powers. Are they hard to use, then? No: they’re both powerful and also easy to use, which makes them even more super!

Generic UI

Morepath knows about model inheritance. It lets you define views for a base class that automatically become available for all subclasses. This is a powerful mechanism to let you write generic UIs.

For example, if we have this generic base class:

class ContainerBase(object):
    def entries(self):
       """All entries in the container returned as a list."""

We can easily define a generic default view that works for all subclasses:

def overview(self, request):
    return ', '.join([entry.title for entry in self.entries()])

But what if you want to do something different for a particular subclass? What if MySpecialContainer needs it own custom default view? Easy:

def special_overview(self, request):
    return "A special overview!"

Morepath leverages the power of the flexible Reg generic function library to accomplish this.

For much more, see Views.

Model-driven Permissions

Morepath features a very flexible but easy to use permission system. Let’s say we have an Edit permission; it’s just a class:

class Edit(object):

And we have a view for some Document class that we only want to be accessible if the user has an edit permission:

@App.view(model=Document, permission=Edit)
def edit_document(self, request):
    return "Editable"

How does Morepath know whether someone has Edit permission? We need to tell it using the morepath.App.permission() directive. We can implement any rule we want, for instance this one:

@App.permission(model=Document, permission=Edit)
def have_edit_permission(model, identity):
    return model.has_permission(identity.userid)

Instead of a specific rule that only works for Document, we can also give our app a broad rule (use model=object).

Composable Views

Let’s say you have a JSON view for a Document class:

def document_json(self, request):
    return {'title': self.title}

And now we have a view for a container that contains documents. We want to automatically render the JSON views of the documents in a list. We can write this:

def document_container_json(self, request):
    return [document_json(request, doc) for doc in self.entries()]

Here we’ve used document_json ourselves. But what now if the container does not only contain Document instances? What if one of them is a SpecialDocument? Our document_container_json function breaks. How to fix it? Easy, we can use morepath.Request.view():

def document_container_json(self, request):
    return [request.view(doc) for doc in self.entries()]

Now document_container_json works for anything in the container model that has a default view!

Extensible Applications

Somebody else has written an application with Morepath. It contains lots of stuff that does exactly what you want, and one view that doesn’t do what you want:

def recalcitrant_view(self, request):
    return "The wrong thing!"

Ugh! We can’t just change the application as it needs to continue to work in its original form. Besides, it’s being maintained by someone else. What do we do now? Monkey-patch? Not at all: Morepath got you covered. You simply create a new application subclass that extends the original:

class MyApp(App):

We now have an application that does exactly what app does. Now to override that one view to do what we want:

def whatwewant(self, request):
    return "The right thing!"

And we’re done!

It’s not just the view directive that works this way: all Morepath directives work this way. Using the morepath.App.function() decorator you could even override the core functionality of Morepath itself!

Morepath also lets you mount one application within another, allowing composition-based reuse. See App Reuse for more information. Using these techniques you can build large applications, see Building Large Applications.