Automating the tests for your App

This an introductory guide to writing automated tests for your Morepath app. We assume you’ve already installed Morepath; if not, see the Installation section.

In order to carry out the test we’ll use WebTest, which you’ll need to have installed. You also need a test automation tool; we recommend pytest. The cookiecutter template installs both for you, alternatively you can install them with pip:

$ pip install webtest pytest

Testing “Hello world!”

Let’s look at a minimal test of the “Hello world!” application from the Quickstart:

from hello import App
from webtest import TestApp as Client

def test_hello():
    c = Client(App())

    response = c.get('/')

    assert response.body == b'Hello world!'

You can save this function into a file, say and use a test automation tool like pytest to run it:

$ py.test -q
1 passed in 0.13 seconds

If you invoke it as a regular Python function, a silent completion signifies success:

>>> test_hello()

Let’s now go through the test, line by line.

  1. We import the application that we want to test. In this case we assume that you have saved the “Hello world!” application from the Quickstart in

    >>> from hello import App

    You can additionally use morepath.scan() if you are not sure whether importing the app imports all the modules that are required. In this particular instance, we know that importing hello is sufficient and morepath.scan() is not needed.

  2. WebTest provides a class called that emulates a client for WSGI apps. We don’t want to confuse it with the app under test, so we as a convention we import it as Client. This also stops pytest from scanning it for tests as it has the Test prefix:

    >>> from webtest import TestApp as Client
  3. We instantiate the app under test and the client:

    >>> c = Client(App())
  4. At this point we can use the client to query the app:

    >>> response = c.get('/')

    The returned response is an instance of webtest.response.TestResponse:

    >>> response
    <200 OK text/plain body='Hello world!'>
  5. We can now verify that the response satisfies our expectations. In this case we test the response body in its entirety:

    >>> assert response.body == b'The view for model: foo'